The Lord’s Day is a gift from God in which we rightly seek to delight (Isaiah 58:13-14; Exodus 20:8-11). We gather as the body of Christ, both in the morning and the evening, to worship the One true and living Triune-God. Our desire is to glorify and enjoy the Lord in our worship. Thus, we practice joyful, reverential, biblically-regulated Reformed worship that seeks to read the Word, preach the Word, sing the Word, pray the Word, and see the Word through the two sacraments which Christ has appointed.  

We desire our worship to be biblical, reverent and joyful.  Worship is according to God’s ordinary means of grace–the ways in which He ordinarily works in the hearts of His people.  Therefore our primary emphasis is upon these means: Word, prayer and sacrament.  The Lord is pleased to use what seems to us to be ordinary for extraordinary purposes. 

We sing psalms and hymns and sing with accompaniment or a capella.  We confess our sins with a prayer of confession and hear the assurance of our pardon from the Scripture.   We profess our faith by reciting together one of the historic confessions of the Christian church such as the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, or the Westminster Confession.   Preaching is generally expositional, covering whole books of the Bible over a period of time.  We corporately recite the Lord’s Prayer.   We observe the Lord’s Supper on the fourth Sunday morning of each month and the second Sunday evening of each month.  At the end of each service we receive the Benediction and enjoy some informal fellowship. 

We meet for worship at 9 AM and 5:45 PM.  We hope you will join us for our services. 

Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash