From Persecutor to Persecuted Preacher

From Persecutor to Persecuted Preacher

This Lord’s Day morning at River City Reformed, we will be considering Acts 9:19b-31 with a sermon titled, “From Persecutor to Persecuted Preacher.” During our evening worship service, we will be considering Esther 2:19-3:15 with a sermon titled, “A Plot Against Ahasuerus and a Plot Against Christ.”

Please join us for morning and evening worship at 9820 W Markham St. in Little Rock. For more information, click here, or contact us. You can also watch our service on YouTube with a link posted to our Facebook page.

Grace that Exceeds our Sin and our Guilt

Grace that Exceeds our Sin and our Guilt

This Lord’s Day morning at River City Reformed we will be considering Acts 9:1-19a with a sermon titled, “Grace that Exceeds our Sin and our Guilt.” This Lord’s Day evening we will be considering Esther 2:1-18 with a sermon titled, “God is at Work, Even Here.” During our evening service we will be taking the Lord’s Supper.

Please join us for worship at 9820 W Markham St. For more information, click here, or contact us. You can also watch our morning service on YouTube with a link posted to our Facebook page.

The Advance of the Gospel and the Reality of False Conversion

The Advance of the Gospel and the Reality of False Conversion

This week at River City Reformed, we come to a study of Acts 8:4-25. In this passage, we see the advance of the Gospel beyond Jerusalem in Samaria. There are many who are converted at the preaching of the Word, but we also see the account of Simon the Magician. Simon professes faith, but it becomes clear that his profession is false. In this text we are encouraged by the advance of the Gospel, but we are also sobered by the reality of false conversions.

Join us for worship at 9 AM at 9820 W Markham St. as we consider these things more fully. For more information, click here or contact us. You can also watch our service on YouTube with a link posted to our Facebook page.

Martyrdom, Prayer and the Glory of Christ

Martyrdom, Prayer and the Glory of Christ

This Lord’s Day we turn to Acts 7:54-8:3. Here in this passage we see the account of Stephen martyred for the faith. In this sobering account, Stephen is given a vision of the ascended Christ standing at the right hand of God, and he intercedes for his persecutors.

Join us this Lord’s Day for worship at 9 AM at 9820 W Markham St. in Little Rock. For more information, click here or contact us. You can also watch our service on YouTube with a link posted to our Facebook page.

Why Morning and Evening Worship Services?

Why Morning and Evening Worship Services?

On May 5, River City Reformed will start having evening worship services in addition to morning services, as our current Sunday night prayer meetings will begin to be included in our upcoming Wednesday night ministry. A question may arise: why both morning and evening worship services?

We believe that Sunday is the Lord’s Day, and that we are to “call the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of the LORD honorable” (Isaiah 58:13). The Lord’s Day is a gift from God, and it is designed to be a blessing to us as we set aside the day to devote to the worship of God and to rest. It is an historic practice of the church to bookend the Lord’s Day with morning and evening worship services as this helps us to keep the day holy. We also see biblical precedent for the church gathering together morning and evening for worship (Psalm 92:1-2; Acts 20:7). Though it is not wrong to not have evening worship services, it is certainly a great help to the people of God in setting the day apart for its proper purposes to have both morning and evening services.

Another reason we want to hold morning and evening services is because we are a church committed to the ordinary means of grace. The ordinary means of grace (the Word, prayer and the sacraments) are central to the ministry at River City Reformed Church. As we gather together twice on the Lord’s Day, we get to hear the Word preached twice. If we are meeting most Sundays in the year for evening as well as morning services with only a few exceptions, that’s around 100 times we hear God’s Word preached instead of 52 times. This also means there are more prayers that we offer to the Lord, and as we plan to take the Lord’s Supper one Sunday night a month, that’s twice as many times during the month that we get to take the Supper. If the Lord uses His Word to change people, and if the Lord is pleased to hear His people pray, and if the Lord is pleased to use the sacraments in the life of His people, then it is good for us to have more opportunities to be under the ordinary means of grace.

Please join us on May 5 for our morning and evening services as we begin to follow this historic pattern together. Our morning service will remain at 9 AM, and we will meet for worship in the evening at 5:45 PM.